
Welcome to Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church's new blog. This will be in a work in progress for some time as we learn to create and manage our posts.

We hope you'll begin to find content that will be helpful in your daily walks with God as well as begin to see our upcoming memorial posts for those whose earthly bodies lay at rest in the Mount Pleasant Memorial Baptist Church Cemetery.

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Deacon's Corner

 Deacon John Edward Cole
Chairman of  The Deacon Ministry

What is the role of a Deacon?

A reader of the New Testament would not hesitate to answer that, referring to Acts 6:1-4, which first mentions the deacon’s role:
In those days, as the number of disciples grew, the ones who spoke Greek complained that their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution of food, as compared with the widows of those who spoke Hebrew. The Twelve assembled the community of the disciples and said, "It is not right for us to neglect the word of God in order to wait on tables. Look around among your own number, brothers, for seven men acknowledged to be deeply spiritual and prudent, and we shall appoint them to this task. This will permit us to concentrate on prayer and the ministry of the word." This proposal was unanimously accepted.
A deacon, then, is a servant. That's what the word means in Greek and that's what deacons are for: to serve. He relieves the pastors of their less pastoral duties that they may concentrate on their more specifical ministry.
Deacon Ministry
(seated from left to right)
 Rubin Williams, Clarence Smith, Rev. Donald Young, John E Cole, Bernard Cassey
(standing from left to right)
Andre Carprue, Kavin Britton, Ricky Jackson, Curtland Jackson, Freddie Staten
photos not available
Rev. Welton Wiley, Associate Pastor
Ronald Bailey
Ananias Young
Tavoris Cox
Vashan Young

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