
Welcome to Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church's new blog. This will be in a work in progress for some time as we learn to create and manage our posts.

We hope you'll begin to find content that will be helpful in your daily walks with God as well as begin to see our upcoming memorial posts for those whose earthly bodies lay at rest in the Mount Pleasant Memorial Baptist Church Cemetery.

Notice the tabs above. When on the "Home" tab, you'll see our most recent post down below but you may view older posts by clicking "Older Posts" at the bottom. If you're looking for a specific memorial, please select the "Memorial" tab above.

We have a new email address where you can contact the person(s) who will be operating the site. Feel free to email us suggested posts or additional information you wish to have added to a memorial post: mountpleasantmissionary@gmail.com


Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church, located at 585 Mount Pleasant Road in West Monroe, Louisiana, was founded in 1877.

A group consisting of community men and one woman were inspired to build a church. That group consisted of parties named Adams, Armstrong, Cage, Foster, Hanspard, Jackson, Moss, Turner, Wiley and Young.

They become known as the founders of Mt. Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church. Their first structure was built approximately one-fourth mile west of the present location in the southwest portion of Ouachita Parish.

The ground was its foundation and the walls were made of brush; homemade bottle packed lamps were used for lighting; planks placed across posts were used for seating and heat was accomplished by building a big fire on the outside.

Not many years passed before a second church had to be built. This time logs replaced the brush and peeled logs were used for seating, but the heating and lighting system remained the same. The church continued to grow and was soon to small for the increase in membership. A new site and church was needed and forefathers named Myles, Roberts and Ropers joined in with this endeavor.

A site to the right of the present church was chosen. This time the church was built with lumber, hard wood shutter windows and the seats were made of unpainted boards with wall lamps. Slowly, improvements were made. Glass windows were added, wood burning heaters were installed, gas burning lamps were purchased and more Deacons were ordained.

During the 1930's women members became active and other auxiliaries were formed. Again, the membership outgrew the church size and a larger church was needed. A stone structure was erected with stairs leading into the sanctuary and a basement that was used as the fellowship hall. This construction consisted of gas heaters and electricity. A water well was also dug on the premises.

During the 1950's more Deacons were ordained and more auxiliaries were formed.Vacation Bible School started and air conditioning units were purchased. This building lasted quite sometime before there was a need to build again.

In 1977 the church purchased two acres of land from the late Sister Laura Jackson and a brick structure was built in 1978 which includes the present structure. In 1985 the sanctuary was enlarged. In 1996 the Educational Annex was added under the leadership of Rev. J. Preston Stephens. Today, Mt. Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church is led by God, governed by the Pastor & Deacon Ministries.

We, as our forefathers are secure in God's word and believe strongly in Matthew 16:18 when Jesus said, "Upon this rock, I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it".

Sunday School - Sundays, 10:00 AM
Church Services - Sundays, 11:15 AM
Bible Study - Wednesdays, 6:30 PM  

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